HODV-21156: Í einum superi climax trance state, tann beinleiðis effectin av aphrodisiac olju, sum tvífaldar gleði á øllum kroppinum av 100 skitnum orðum, sum vóru settar í einum convulsive beast gráhugað fyri gleði. Haruna Ayane

In a super orgasm climax trance state, the immediate effect of the aphrodisiac oil that doubles the pleasure smeared on the whole body of 100 dirty words vaginal shot barrage collapsed reason, and transformed into a convulsive beast greedy for pleasure ... Haruna Ayane

DVD-ID: HODV-21156
Release Date: 03/04/2016
Runtime: 140 min
Actress: Haruna Ayane
Studio: h.m.p