SCOP-379: Tað er eitt slatur um, at tað er eitt sexcaba, sum ger miðbýin í miðbýnum onkustaðni í Tokyo! Hví er tað bara handil í hesum afturgongdini, sum eitur aftur? Er slaturin veruliga til? Er tað bara ein rip-off handil? SCOOP liðið kannar gjølla!

There is a rumor that there is a sexcaba that is making the downtown night lively somewhere in Tokyo! Why is it only that store in this recession called recession!? Does the rumored lascivious service really exist? Is it just a rip-off shop? The SCOOP team investigates thoroughly!

Release Date: 04/08/2016
Runtime: 260 min
Studio: K M Produce