AP-319: Group kensluleys heilivág, sum eg hoyrdi til ein bólk, sum ikki var kul í einum dreingjum, men eg fekk eitt arbeiði og flutti til Tokyo, men eg kundi ikki gera tað, og eg kundi enn ikki gera tað, og eg var enn illa við hvønn dag. Ein innbjóðing til alumni reunion, sum kom til mín! Tá ið eg fór til venue gleði meg til reunion eftir langa tíð.
Group numbness medicine I belonged to a group that was not cool at a boys' school, but I got a job and moved to Tokyo, but I couldn't do it, and I was still unpopular every day. An invitation to the alumni reunion that arrived at me! When I went to the venue looking forward to the reunion after a long time ...