SCOP-400: Hetta er besta tollarnir! Á einum góðum boppum onkustaðni í Tokyo, er í lagi í 1 tíma um dagin! Slatur hevur tað! Átta verification av, um eitt slíkt vertshús veruliga er til í hesum heiminum! Super BEST! Við einum fullkomiliga gratum pubhandli!

This is the best customs AV! At a good boobs pub somewhere in Tokyo, insertion is OK for 1 hour a day only! Rumor has it that !? Thorough verification of whether such a pub really exists in this world! Super BEST! With a completely grated pub shop!

Release Date: 06/24/2016
Runtime: 240 min
Actress: Maya Kawamura
Studio: K M Produce