AP-333: Tað er ikki mín skyld, at eg altíð havi leitað eftir møguleikum í húsinum! Tað er ringt, tí systir mín kom knappliga út, sum knappliga kom út, var ov verjuleys og andstyggiligt. So, eg. Eg tordi tað ikki og framdi tað. Jagstra systur tína, sum er sera væl fyri at renna runt í húsinum, og sama hvar tú/krógvar/krógva teg/tykkum, ver/verið vísur/vís í at finna hana.

It's not my fault that I've always been looking for opportunities in the house! It's bad because my sister-in-law, who suddenly came out, was too defenseless and disgusting. So, I... I couldn't stand it and committed it. Chase your sister who is desperately running around the house, and no matter where you hide, be sure to find her ...

DVD-ID: AP-333
Release Date: 08/07/2016
Runtime: 240 min
Studio: Apache