HUNTA-230: - "Hvør dámar tær mest?" - seks systrar-in-law, sum knappliga vóru gjørd, eru bara stór bróst og lascivious! - eg eri vanliga í klæðum við einum breiðum bringuna og cleavage, og sjálvandi fái eg eitt erection við panchira! Um tú/fært/fáa ein erection, er tað longu ringt! Frá hasum degi kendi systrar mínar meg sum ein mann og onnur.
- "Which do you like the most?" - The six sisters-in-law who were suddenly made are just big breasts and lascivious! - I usually wear clothes with a wide chest and cleavage, and of course I get an erection with panchira! If you get an erection, it's already hard! From that day on, my sisters recognized me as a man and others ...