VOSS-025: Eg búði heima hjá morbróðir/farbróðir/gubbi mínum og konu hansara, sum eru yngri beiggjar, og eg kendi meg smalt, men tá fastir/mostir mín, sum var ørkymlaður/ørkymlað, tí eg hevði nógv um at vera, fann hon út av, at eg var ein av ørur, hon kom til rúmið og segði, "Show me lewdness" og hugdi AV! 3 Kana Morisawa
I was staying at the house of my uncle and his wife, who are my father's younger brothers, and I was feeling narrow, but when my aunt, who was frustrated because of my busy uncle, found out that I was an AV maniac, she came to the room and said, "Show me lewdness" and watched AV! 3 Kana Morisawa