TURA-266: Eingin moral! Exploit tað! Um hjálparleysur perverted erotic Mr./Ms. var ein trolld. Lat/latið skjølini aftur! trollkarið var veruliga! Gevst/gevist við tíð! Tað verður ósjónligt! Minnis eru farin! Tú/kanst/kunnu gera so nógv, sum tú/vilt/vilja hava harra/Ms. mamma til harra.

No morals! Exploit it! If the helpless perverted erotic Mr./Ms. was a wizard ... Close-up documents! The wizard really was! Stop time! It becomes invisible! Memories are gone! You can do as much as you want Mr./Ms. mom to the back Mr./Ms. of the valley!

Release Date: 02/01/2017
Runtime: 370 min