SW-468: Tá ið tú vaknar, er skiftin full av kvinnum! Eg sníkti meg inn í skápið hjá kvinnum og luktaði tað, sum eg sovnaði, og tá eg sovnaði, og tá eg vaknaði, hevði eg eitt erection. Eg helt, at eg fór at verða uppsagdur/uppsøgd, men tí at hon eisini er spentur/spent, "Eg skal hjálpa tær/tykkum/tygum.

When you wake up, the changing room is full of women! I sneaked into the women's locker room of the company and smelled the stuffy uniform and masturbated, and I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I had an erection. I thought I would be fired, but the female employees are also excited, saying, "I'll help you masturbate ◆".

DVD-ID: SW-468
Release Date: 02/16/2017
Runtime: 119 min
Studio: SWITCH