SW-481: Dreymurin hjá mær skifta klæði framman fyri yngri beiggja mínum, "Eg eri enn eitt barn" og vísa undirklæðum og nakin, sum eg vil hava "Áh, hetta barnið verður størri!" - hennara eldri systrar, sum vóru spent av tí, sum vóru spent, steðgaði við og spældu, og so skjótt sum tey vóru einsamøll, vóru tey einsamøll, tey gjørdust einsamøll í kvinnur.
Dream incest My sisters change clothes in front of my younger brother, "I'm still a child" and show my underwear and nakedness as much as I want "Oh, this kid is getting bigger!" - Her older sisters, who were excited by the energetic Ji Po, stopped by and played, and as soon as they were alone, they turned into women