SW-504: Tá ið tú vaknar, er skiftin full av kvinnum! - A kvinnu starvsfólkið hjá starvsfólkunum og ráum buksum kunnu síggjast tætt við! Eg var spentur/spent og fann út av, at Ji Po var erect, og eg helt, at eg fór at verða uppsagdur/uppsøgd, men tað gjørdist mín slurping søga, og eg enntá vakti mínar buksur og setti tey.
When you wake up, the changing room is full of women! - A female employee's black pantyhose and raw panties can be seen up close! I was excited and found out that Ji Po was erect and I thought I would be fired, but it became my slurping story, and I even shifted my panties and inserted them.