HUNTA-356: "Eg eri ein harra/Ms., men um eg nerti tað, fert tú at kenna tað?" 30 ára gamal/gomul, men mítt kynsligt ynski enn ikki hevur verið saman við manni mínum í meira enn 5 ár. Tað er tí, tá eg síggi ein ungan drong, legg eg einki í staðið og hugsa bara um H ting. Eg vil bara hava teg/tykkum.

"I'm an Mr./Ms., but will you feel like it if I touch it?" 3 I'm over 30 years old, but my sexual desire still doesn't subside, and I haven't been with my husband for more than 5 years. That's why when I see a young boy, I don't care about the place and just think about H things. I just want to you.

Release Date: 10/07/2017
Runtime: 240 min
Studio: Hunter