VOSS-068: - dóttir mín rennur knappliga burtur frá húsum og fara frá einum brævi! Mamma mín-in-law, sum kom, tí hon var stúrin um meg, sum var hugtungur, gjørdi av at vera heima. - eg var óvæntað spentur/spent at síggja hana ganga runt í húsinum næstan nakin eftir at hava tikið eitt bað, og áðrenn eg visti tað, eg gloymdi konu mína og leyp á hana og vaginal skeyt! 4 KAORI
- My daughter-in-law suddenly runs away from home leaving a letter! My mother-in-law, who came because she was worried about me who was depressed, decided to stay at home ... - I was unexpectedly thrilled to see her wandering around the house almost naked after taking a bath, and before I knew it, I forgot my wife and attacked her and vaginal shot! 4 KAORI