VOSS-109: - fastir/mostir mín, harra/Ms., sum býr einsamallur/einsamøll, so tá eg fór at vitja hana, sveittan var atvoldin av hitanum og hennara stóru vóru transparent! - eg var spentur/spent, tí eg helt tað vera ringt, tí tað var ov erotic, men eg kundi ikki taka eyguni av fastur/mostur míni. 6

- My aunt Mr./Ms. who lives alone is sleeping with a cold, so when I went to visit her, the sweat caused by the heat was amazing and her big were transparent! - I was excited because I thought it was bad because it was too erotic, but I couldn't take my eyes off my aunt Mr./Ms. and what would happen if I was on the verge of exploding? 6

Henda heimasíðun er bara fyri vaksin.

Ert tú í minsta lagi 18 ára gamal/gomul?

(or aldurin av legal meiriluta í jurisdiction frá tí, sum tú/hevur/hava atgongd til hesa heimasíðuna)

Við at tøppa "Eg AGREE", hevur tú lisið og skilt fráboðanina omanfyri.

Release Date: 10/07/2018
Runtime: 85 min
Actress: Eri Takigawa
Studio: VENUS