GS-299: Ein sølu genta so eggjandi sum Egetsunai kom at vitja meg í rúminum, har eg var tann einasti/einasta! - um tú fyrigevur tær fyri at vera so erotic og bara koyrdi tað í rúmið. - Kanska vóru mínar ulterior ætlanir, men vøran er eisini ein ódn av erotic álop! - Meðan hon vísir buksurnar, helli seg yvir og taka andlitið nóg nær við at fáa hana at anda.

A sales girl as sexy as Egetsunai came to visit me in the room where I was the only one! - If you forgive yourself for being so erotic and just put it in the room ... - Maybe my ulterior motives were discovered, but the product description is also a storm of erotic attacks! - While showing her pants, lean over and bring her face close enough to catch her breath ...

DVD-ID: GS-299
Release Date: 11/21/2019
Runtime: 120 min