MGOLD-021: "Um tað ikki er eitt síðsta tok, kemur tú?", men eg sakni tað seinasta tokið og gera av at vera heima hjá eini yngri gentu. Eg var ov spentur/spent um tað stóra, at eg ikki kundi ímynda mær frá mínum arbeiði, og eg fekk loyvi at koma inn í kvinnuna á ovastu posture Ruri Konno.

"If there is no last train, will you come?" My wife is waiting, but I miss the last train and decide to stay at the house of a junior girl ... I was too excited about the big that I couldn't imagine from my work appearance, and I was allowed to inside at the woman on top posture Ruri Konno

Release Date: 05/09/2024
Runtime: 110 min
Actress: Ruri Konno
Studio: Faleno