CLUB-616: Eg eri ein taciturn (surprisingly væl umtókt við gentum), sum reypar av mínum flokki. Í dag koma genturnar til okkara hús at læra okkum at lesa. Í staðin fyri at læra teg at lesa. Meðan eg segði hatta, tá eg lætst at vera ein virgin og spurdi "Show meg", var eg rodna mínar kjálkar, so eg vísti tær/tykkum/tygum ein stóran munn.
I'm a taciturn (surprisingly popular with girls) who boasts top-class grades in my grade. Today, the girls come to our house to teach us how to study. Instead of teaching you to study... While saying that, when I pretended to be a virgin and asked "Show me my", I was blushing my cheeks, so I showed you a big dick ...