GS-306: Tá ið eg var í songini við køldum, tók systir mín mær óvanliga væl. Eg helt, eg svav og byrjaði at hyggja runt í rúminum! - So var eg ov spentur/spent um erotic gott, sum eg fann, og eg menna allar panchira! - systir mín, sum varnaðist, at hon græt av útsjónd og hevði ein erection rullaði upp í Ji Po! Eg lat sum um at sova, men.

When I was in bed with a cold, my sister took care of me unusually... I thought I was sleeping and started looking around the room! - Then, I was too excited about the erotic goods I found and I was developing all the panchira! - My sister who noticed that she was sobbed by the appearance and had an erection rolled up her Ji Po! I was pretending to be asleep, but...

Henda heimasíðun er bara fyri vaksin.

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(or aldurin av legal meiriluta í jurisdiction frá tí, sum tú/hevur/hava atgongd til hesa heimasíðuna)

Við at tøppa "Eg AGREE", hevur tú lisið og skilt fráboðanina omanfyri.

DVD-ID: GS-306
Release Date: 01/09/2020
Runtime: 125 min