DVMM-163: E dua na gonevuli totoka ni koliji ka vinakata me dua na dau kacivaka na yalewa! E kaukauwa sara! Na ivakarau ni lewa yawa e squirting na ripote "Se cava ga e yaco, au rawa ni wilika na ivolavivigi ki na ivakataotioti ka sega ni cegu na matadre!" - E sega ni cegu na ua ena marau ni dua na ka levu ka vukica e dua na mata maqosa ka savasava ki na ahegao!
A beautiful female college student who wants to be a female announcer appears! Super intense! Remote control vibe squirting report "No matter what happens, I can read the manuscript to the end without stopping smiling!" - The tide does not stop with the pleasure of a big that turns a neat and clean face into an ahegao!