VOSS-128: "Eskola intentsibo goiztiarrera joaten ez banaiz, haserretu egingo naiz... Izeba, lagundu nazazu!" - Bere semearen laguna ezin dela mugitu jakingo duen ama bat, eskuburdinak Ji Ei lotuta daudelako, Ji ◣ Po erekzio batekin.

"If I don't go to cram school early, I'll be angry ... Auntie, help me!" - A mother who discovers her son's friend who can not move because the key to the handcuffs is tied to Ji ● Po becomes estrus with an erection Ji ● Po and dripping gaman juice!

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Estreinaldi data: 02/07/2019
Betearazpena: 115 min
Ikasketa: VENUS