UMSO-210: -Nire emazteak ihes egin zidan eta aita ezkongabe bihurtu nintzen, baina herri-garai batean zegoen? Aita-seme familia errukiorrarekin bat egiten nuen, eta egunaren erdian abentura bat egin nuen, nire lagunekin, hegaz egiten zuten auzoko amekin.7

- I was run away by my wife and became a single father, but I was in a popular period! ?? I sympathized with the pitying father-child family and got addicted to an affair in the middle of the day with my mom friends in the neighborhood who took care of me vol.7

Estreinaldi data: 10/12/2018
Betearazpena: 115 min
Aktorea: Kana Hiraoka
Ikasketa: K M Produce