NTSU-095: Aduanak, baimenik gabeko etxe bat irekitzea, "Nire senarra ez lanean, beraz, ondo... Gustatuko al litzaizuke pixka batean nirekin jolastea? -Nahi gabe ikusi nuen auzokoaren emaztea agertzen, bere burua ate nagusian promozionatzen, astegunetan irekitzen duen etxean!

Customs, opening a home without permission, "My husband is not at work, so it's OK ... Would you like to play with me for a while?" - I involuntarily saw twice the appearance of the neighbor's wife touting herself at the front door during the home that opens during the daytime on weekdays!

Estreinaldi data: 04/19/2018
Betearazpena: 120 min
Aktorea: Yurina Aizawa