GIGL-737: Bainu misto batean nago, oraindik fresko dagoen nire ama eder eta distiratsuarekin... - Bi pertsonako bainu misto batean amaren gorputz biluzia ikusi nuen ur termaletara egindako bidaia baten oroitzapenak oso erotikoak izan ziren, eta amaren sentimenduak, bere horretan egona baitzen, esplotatu eta amaren bularra xurgatu nuen gogo biziz.
I'm alone in a mixed bathing bath with my beautiful and glossy mother who is still cool ... - Memories of a hot spring trip where I saw my mother's naked body in a mixed bathing bath with two people was very erotic, and my feelings for my mother who had been holding back exploded and I sucked on my mother's breast with enthusiasm