SDMM-182: Magic Mirror bi gizon eta bi emakume besterik ez dituen sauna mugikor bat al da? - Egoeraren arrazoiren batengatik, mukumuku batekin puztu den erekzioa deserosoa eta kitzikatua da, max irensletzaren efektua MAX da! Azter ezazu zer gertatuko zaien bi gizon-emakumeei, egoera horretan ezingo dira inoiz irten, horrek aurrera jarraitzen badu! Udako barbakoa-lekuan zeuden 4 ikasle unibertsitario talderi eraso egiteko eskaera!
The Magic Mirror is a mobile sauna with only two men and two women?! - For some reason in the situation, the erection that has swelled with a mukumuku is awkward and excited, and the sweating effect MAX is MAX! !! Examine what will happen to the two men and women in a situation where they can never go outside if this continues! Request to charge 4 groups of university students who were at the summer BBQ venue!