CRC-086: Ostatuko hartzailea bera izan al daiteke? - Neska-lagun ohia bezala ikusten da, eta bere identifikazio-plaka izen bera da. Baina ez naiz berarekin hitz egitera ausartzen. Zer arraio egin behar dut? Horrela da, neska-lagun ohia bada, jakin ezazu satorraren kokapenagatik! Ayumi Shinoda

Could it be that the room greeter at the accommodation is himself?! - She looks exactly like her ex-girlfriend, and her nameplate is the same name. But I can't muster up the courage to talk to him. What the hell am I supposed to do? That's right, if it's an ex-girlfriend, you can tell by the location of the mole! Ayumi Shinoda

Estreinaldi data: 07/25/2014
Betearazpena: 150 min
Aktorea: Ayumi Shinoda
Ikasketa: Cherries