FTAV-004: "Nik... Ezkonduko naiz ..." I katilua, erizain aktiboa, 22 urte, Kimitsu hiria, Chibako prefektura, ekoizpenean afiliaziorik gabe, Landan bizi den Una mujer tetona natural agertzen da hirugarren aldiz SOFT ON DEMAND- Yu Sasamoto (tentatiboa) "Norbaitek maite nauen norbait baldin badago, oraindik emakume bat izan nahi dut..."
"I... I'm going to get married ..." I cup, active nurse, 22 years old, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, no production affiliation A natural busty woman living in the countryside appears for the third time from SOFT ON DEMAND as an amateur Yu Sasamoto (tentative) "If there is someone who wants me, I still want to be a woman ..."