SVSHA-031: Lotsa! Azterketa medikoa azterketa medikoa azterketa medikoa examenatzera, Examen médico aretoari esleitu aurretik, erizaintza-eskolan graduatu eta berehala erizain berriak zutik egindako lanaren ondorioz astindu diren ipurdiek eta izterrek harrapatzen dituzte, eta ipurdiko zuloa, baginako zuloa eta gorputz osoko zuloak gustatzen zaien bezainbeste aztertzen dira. Ez dugu infekzio gusokomialik onartuko!
Shyness! - Medical examination before being assigned to the wardNew nurses immediately after graduating from nursing school who are grabbed by the buttocks and thighs that have become whipped by standing work, and are examined as much as they like the buttocks, vaginal holes, and holes in the body! We do not allow nosocomial infections!