DVMM-136: Apariencia MM No. Rear Friend Limited El Espejo Mágico ¡Lau gizon eta emakumek eskola-bidaia batean, Virgin W maleza desagerrarazteko ihes-jokoari aurre egiten diote! Ji Po bere lagunaren lotsatia den neska bat, eta mutiko birjina bat, krisketa zurrun eta urduria duena! -Lagunen loturatik harago doan laukote bat! -Mundu guztiak ondo konpontzen du gaztaroko oroitzapenak!
Appearance MM No. Rear Friend Limited The Magic Mirror A group of four men and women on a school trip challenge the "Virgin W Brush Removal Escape Game"! A girl who is shy of her male friend Ji Po and a virgin boy who has a stiff excited erection! - Foursome that goes beyond the bond of friends! - Everyone gets along well with the memories of youth!