GIGL-180: Abenturako sexuan, senarraren dei bat. Telefonoa erantzun nuen, nire abentura-lagunak hala eskatuta, baina... Harrapatzen bazaituzte, zure familia erori egingo da! - Bere arnasketa-ahotsa etsi-etsian erreprimitzen badu ere, emakume ezkondu baten aldaken mugimendua, emozioaren ondorioz sentiberatasuna areagotu zaiona, ez da gelditzen!

During affair sex, an incoming call from her husband. I answered the phone at the urging of my affair partner, but ... If you get caught, your family will collapse! - Even though she desperately suppresses her pant voice, the movement of the hips of a married woman whose sensitivity has soared due to the thrill does not stop!

Estreinaldi data: 06/26/2015
Betearazpena: 179 min
Ikasketa: GIGOLO (Gigolo)