SVDVD-482: Travesuras Onsen 2015 Verano ☆ 2 disko 8 horas! - Lan berri bat onartu duten 8 pertsonek sexua dute! Telesaileko potentziatzaileen txantxarik handiena! Zein da bezero nagusi asko dauden korridorean biluzik ihes egiten duten neska lotsagarrien patua? Sadistic Villageren 8.urteurrenaren jaurtiketa mugatua
Mischief Onsen 2015 Summer ☆ 2 discs 8 hours! - All 8 people who have taken a new work have sex! The biggest power-up prank special in the series! What is the fate of the shameful girls who run away naked in the hall where there are many general customers? Sadistic Village 8th Anniversary Limited Release