SCOP-331: - Hegaldi handiko auto batekin harrotasun handia duen emakume baten ahultasuna ulertzen du, eta bere"Kupa" bere kabuz zabaltzen du. -Eutsi egiten diozu, sexuan garaile sentitzen ez zaren itxurak eginez! -Ezin diot eutsi, baina sentitu ezin duen emakume indartsu baten harrotasuna erori egiten da!

- Grasp the weakness of a woman who has high pride with a high-flying car and spread her "Kupa" by herself. - Continue to put up with it by pretending that you don't feel it with a winning attitude during SEX! - I can't resist, but the pride of a strong woman who can't feel it collapses!

Estreinaldi data: 09/11/2015
Betearazpena: 160 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce