JKSR-207: Ezagutzen al dituzu emazte honen xehetasunak, Sr./ Sra.? 04 OL-ren emazte tetona bat, emakume esatari baten burmuin eta itxurarekin itzulia dena, eta bere senarra etxekoandre ederra da, publizitate agentzia batean lan egiten duena, ¡está en celo! Zergatik erregutu behar izan zidan" Gaizki tratatu naute, berriro eraman al nazazuke?" Historia osoa.

Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 04 A busty OL wife who is a returnee with the brains and looks of a female announcer, and her husband is an unfussy beautiful housewife who works at an advertising agency, is in estrus! Why did he have to beg for "I've been treated badly, can you take me again?" The whole story.

Estreinaldi data: 10/25/2015
Betearazpena: 120 min
Ikasketa: Big Morkal