RTP-059: "O, ene Jainkoa! Nire ahizpak, sexualitatearen ezagutza gutxi duenak, ez nau gizon bat bezala ikusten, eta beti ari naiz etxean zehar ibiltzen itxura babesgabe batekin. Ez zitzaidan inoiz axola izan, baina konturatu baino lehen, hunkituta nengoen nire arreba ikusteaz, gorputz heldu bihurtua baitzen... 3

"Oh my God! My sister, who has little knowledge of sexuality, doesn't see me as a man, and I'm always wandering around in the house with a defenseless appearance. I had never cared about it before, but before I knew it, I was excited to see my sister, who had become a mature body ... 3

Estreinaldi data: 11/02/2015
Betearazpena: 120 min
Ikasketa: .DOC