UMD-522: Ezagutzen dudan neska hori prostituta bat da! Ezin dut sinetsi horrelako leku batekin topo egingo dudanik... Ez berak ez nik ez genuen espero! Tea lausotu eta etxera joan... -Ez, lasai pentsatzen baduzu, harrapatu egin beharko zenuke! -Ohizko tarteak hunkituegi nau eta baginako injekzio gordina naiz! -Orduan, ez sartu eta garbiketa bat ere egin dezakezu!
That girl I know is a prostitute! I can't believe I'm going to run into a place like this... Neither I nor she expected it! Muddy the tea and run home... - No, if you think about it calmly, she should want to get caught! - I'm too excited about the gap from usual and I'm a raw vaginal shot! - So, it doesn't fit and you can even shoot a cleaning!