UMSO-034: Denda batean ahizpa lapur bat harrapatzen baduzu, Sr. / Sra., ez duzu errua onartuko eta alderantzizko biraketa-egoeran egongo zara? Azkenean, dendako gerenteak beldurtu egin ninduen eta barkamena eskatu zidan... -Biluztu eta fisikoki aztertzen dute nonahi! Egunaren amaieran! -Zerbait galdu beharrean... - Badakizu", emakume ergel bat, gorputza eskatzen diotena, eta esaneko bihurtzen dena bekatutik ihes egin nahi duen buru bakarrarekin.

If you catch a shoplifting sister Mr./Ms., you will not admit guilt and will be in a reverse gire state! ?? In the end, I was intimidated by the store manager and apologized ... - She is made naked and physically examined everywhere! At the end of the day! "Instead of missing out... - You know," a stupid busty woman who is asked for her body and becomes obedient with a single mind that wants to escape from sin!

Estreinaldi data: 01/22/2016
Betearazpena: 195 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce