SCPX-089: Harrapatutako hariak! Jarraitu Salo liburu mugikorraren errealitatea, legearen sarearen bidez irristatu dena! Egia al da Carderiheruren sistema ebolutiboa, Sai 90eko hamarkadaren amaieran Prefekturala High ◣ SA-n zegoena, sekretupean dagoela iluntasunean? SCOOP osoa!

Caught threads! Follow the reality of the mobile book Salo that has slipped through the net of the law! Is it true that the rumor that the evolutionary system of Carderiheru that existed in Sai ● Prefectural High ● SA in the late 90s is secretly in the dark? Thorough SCOOP!!

Estreinaldi data: 02/26/2016
Betearazpena: 230 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce