SCPX-090: Utzidazu milioi bat yenen truke begiratzen! Lagun iez diet bere haurtzaroko lagunarekin konfesatzera ausartu nahi duten mutil amateurrei! -Harreman luzea denez, bien arteko distantzia azkar hurbiltzen da aurrez aurre eskuilatzeko kontsulta batekin. - Benetan esaten badiozu Dachi Po zure lagunari erekzio lotsagarria izan zuela, Mako haurtzaroko zure lagunak onartuko al du?

Let me monitor it for 1 million yen! I support amateur boys who want to dare to confess to their childhood friend! - Because it's a long relationship, the distance between the two of them is rapidly approaching with a head-to-head brush consultation that is big! - If you seriously tell your friend Dachi Po who got an erection embarrassedly, will your childhood friend Mako accept it?

Estreinaldi data: 02/26/2016
Betearazpena: 230 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce