GIGL-268: Ikaragarria! 10 urte baino gutxiagoko aldearekin, ama amameak dituzten seme-alaben% 80k baino gehiagok interes sexuala zuten ama amatebetan! Eta badirudi bere suhiarekin adin-desberdintasun txikiagoa duen emazteak ezingo duela ukatu bere suhiarekin harreman fisikoa izan behar badu eta 2 laneratzea gordina ⇒ baginako injekzioa ahalbidetuko badu.

Shocking fact! More than 80% of sons with mothers-in-law with a difference of less than 10 years had a sexual interest in their mothers-in-law! And it seems that the wife who has a smaller age difference with her son-in-law than the age difference with her husband will not be able to refuse if she is forced to have a physical relationship with her son-in-law and will allow vaginal shot ⇒ raw insertion 2

Estreinaldi data: 02/26/2016
Betearazpena: 140 min
Ikasketa: GIGOLO (Gigolo)