GVG-274: Reverse Shota Miracle Atzerriko herrialde bateko neska ilehori bati buruzko istorio batek, familia-etxe batera iritsi zenak, A Momotak esan zion" Japoniako jendea gaixorik" dagoela, eta nahi zuen adina gozatu zuela familia anfitrioiaren emazte gazteaz.

Reverse Shota Miracle A story about a blonde girl from a foreign country who came to a homestay ● Momota was told that "Japan people are sick" and enjoyed the young wife of the host family as much as she wanted.

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Estreinaldi data: 03/03/2016
Betearazpena: 115 min
Aktorea: Yu Shinoda
Ikasketa: Glory Quest