SCOP-379: Zurrumurru bat Tokioko lekuren batean hiriaren erdiguneko gaua animatzen ari den sexcaba bat dagoela! Zergatik deitzen zaio atzeraldi honetan denda horri bakarrik atzeraldia? Ba al benetan zerbitzu kisketen danbaturik? Iruzurra besterik ez al da? SCOOPen taldea sakon ikertzen ari da!

There is a rumor that there is a sexcaba that is making the downtown night lively somewhere in Tokyo! Why is it only that store in this recession called recession!? Does the rumored lascivious service really exist? Is it just a rip-off shop? The SCOOP team investigates thoroughly!

Estreinaldi data: 04/08/2016
Betearazpena: 260 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce