MEI-005: Ispilu magikoaren beste aldean nire anfitrioi maitea! - Sr./ Sra eder batek, jabeaz harro dagoenak, ezkutuan aurre egiten dio H joko bati, bi pertsonarekin! Arma-deformazioa! Ginebra-ginezko ginea! -Aprendizaren Ji gordina ikusi zuen emazte gaztea , Po, poz-pozik zegoen jabearen eta arduraren aurrean! Noraino hel zaitezke diruaren truke? Sexu-harremanak izan badezake, berehala jasoko duzu sari bat! 2
On the other side of the magic mirror is my beloved host! - A beautiful Mr./Ms. & apprentice who is proud of the owner secretly challenge an H game with only two people! Gun warping! Gin erection! - The young wife who saw the apprentice's raw Ji ● Po was enchanted in front of the owner and estrus! !! How far can you go for money!? If you can have sex, you will get a prize immediately! 2