UMSO-059: Heldu nagusi batekin batera egindako "Encuesta de Concientización de Miembros" () kaleko elkarrizketa batean, langile berri bat (♀) "birjina" bezala atera zen, "beste sexuarekin ♂ aipuetan esperientziarik ez zuela". -Larrua kenduko al da hain gazte tamalgarri baten hazkundeagatik bere harridura ezkutatu ezin duen handiena? 2
In a street interview of the "Awareness Survey of New Members" taken while accompanying a senior (♀), a new employee (♂) came out as "a virgin with zero experience in dating with the opposite sex"! - Will the senior who can not hide his surprise at the confession take off his skin for the growth of such a pitiful junior? 2