GIGL-300: -Nire amak, bere seme birjinagatik errukituta, amaren bular handietan interes handia baitzuen, gorputzari barkatu zion behin bakarrik... - Ezin dut ukatu nire seme paregabearen sexu-desira aseezina, sexua ikasi berri duen tximino bat bezala sexuaren menpekoa baitzen.

- My mother, who felt sorry for her virgin son who was abnormally interested in her mother's huge breasts, forgave her body with the intention of only once ... - I can't refuse the insatiable sexual desire of my unequaled son who was addicted to sex like a monkey who has just learned sex

Estreinaldi data: 06/24/2016
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: GIGOLO (Gigolo)