VRTM-183: Tranpa bat, beste makila batekin Makorekin bakarrik jantzita dagoen senar batek prestatutako emazte kasta batentzat! -Emaztea, bere senarrarekin ohiko sexuarekin pozik ez dagoena, urtokian mugitzen da Ji Po inorekatu batekin, eta arrazoia erori egiten da! -Askotan beren senarren aurrean bizi diren emazte maiteak!
A trap for a chaste wife set up by a husband who is only excited about Mako expanded with another stick! - A wife who is not satisfied with rut SEX with her husband is stirred in the uterus with an unequaled Ji Po and reason collapses! - Beloved wives who live violently many times in front of their husbands!