WPOM-003: "Ondo al ni bezalako emakume bat egunean zehar etxean sartzea?" "Gaiztoa da harrapatuz gero...". "Etxean arriskutsua da...". Neska-laguna egotik bere desio masokistak askatzen dituen bitartean, plazera ematen dioten hiru egoera arriskutsutan ez deskuidatzeko...

"Is it okay for a woman like me to enter the house in the daytime?" A sense of immorality that "it's bad if you get caught...". A sense of impatience that "it's dangerous at home ...". While the bride is away who releases her ego masochist desires so that she doesn't get sloppy in three dangerous situations that give her pleasure ...

Estreinaldi data: 08/30/2019
Betearazpena: 148 min