JKSR-244: Ezagutzen al dituzu emazte honen xehetasunak, Sr./ Sra.? Meguro barrutian bizi den presidentearen emazte ospetsua eta Suginami barrutian bizi den alkohola maite duen emazte gazte eder eta liraina, arduraz daude! Zergatik bihurtu zen"hain aztoratuta, nire aldakak baimenik gabe mugitzen direla makila-posizioan"? Historia osoa.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? The celebrity wife of the president who lives in Meguro Ward and the beautiful slender young wife who loves alcohol who lives in Suginami Ward are in estrus! Why did it become 'so disturbed that my hips move without permission in the cowgirl position'? The whole story.