NNPJ-182: Jauna hor! Zergatik ez duzu beisbolik jokatzen gurekin? Beisbol ukabil bat besterik ez... - Panichiren agerpenarekin hasten den sariaren diruaren aldeko joko serioa! 2. zatia Ere bai, graziaz galdu eta berehala biluzten den maisua! - Bultzadari uzten badiozu eta sariaren dirua klisk egiten baduzu, eta Ji Po, noraino joango zara?

Mr./Ms. there! Why don't you play baseball with us! Just a baseball fist... - A serious game for the prize money that starts from the appearance of Panichi! Part 2 This time too, a pick-up teacher who loses gracefully and becomes naked immediately! - If you leave it to the momentum and flicker the prize money and Ji Po, how far will you let me go?

Estreinaldi data: 08/25/2016
Betearazpena: 200 min
Ikasketa: Nanpa JAPAN