HUNTA-227: - Errege-joko bat, non ni bainaiz ikaslerik eta gizonik irakaskuntzan! Ez zen batere ezaguna, lehen hezkuntzan, bigarren hezkuntzan, bigarren hezkuntzan eta unibertsitatean, baina miraria gertatu zen eskolan. Gizonekin zerikusirik ez duten ikasleentzat, gizon bat naiz, ongi etorria naiz! Prestakuntza-aldia ahalik eta gehien...

- A king game where I am the only one who has female students and a man in teaching practice! I wasn't popular at all in elementary, junior high, high school, and university, but a miracle happened at the girls' school where the teaching practice was held. For students who don't usually get involved with men, I'm a man for the time being, so I'm welcome! The most of the training period...

Estreinaldi data: 11/19/2016
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter