NATR-556: Nire Ji ◣ Po aukeratzen duen maitasunezko emazte bat, bere senarrak ur termaletara egindako bidaia batean aurkitu beharrean. - "Jendea begira badago..." - Etxekoandre desleial bat, inguratzen duen satorraren erakusketaren lotsaz bustitzen dena eta Ji Koskor lodi bati eusten diona. 6 Maki Hojo

An affair wife who chooses my Ji ● Po rather than the danger of being found out by her husband on a hot spring trip. - "If people are watching ..." - An unfaithful housewife who gets wet with the exposure shame of the surrounding mole and holds a thick Ji ● Po is irresistible! 6 Maki Hojo

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Estreinaldi data: 11/25/2016
Betearazpena: 90 min
Aktorea: Maki Hojo
Ikasketa: Nadeshiko