UMSO-123: "Zer, nire gorputzak asaldatuta zaude horrela?" izeba Sr./ Sra., emakumea ahaztu eta susmatu gabe heldu zion trenean gazte batek esku hartu zuenak, etsi-etsian eutsi zion ez sentitzeari, baina bere eremu erógenoa susmatu zenean, etengailua piztu egin zen.

"What, are you excited by my body like this?" the aunt Mr./Ms. who was groped by a young young man on the train who forgot the woman and boarded unsuspected, desperately resisted not to feel it, but the moment her erogenous zone was stimulated, the switch was turned on

Estreinaldi data: 01/27/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce